DevOps is one of the hottest trends in the software industry and successful DevOps implementation is the goal of most progressive IT organizations. DevOps (short for development and operations) is a set of automated software practices that combine software development (Dev), testing and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the software development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in alignment with the business’ objectives. DevOps is typically cross-functional (people from different IT-related business units) and uses different software tools. These tools usually fit into one or more of the following categories:
Coding – code development and review, source code management tools, code merging.
Building – continuous integration tools (like Jenkins), build status
Testing – continuous testing tools (like QuerySurge, Selenium, Cucumber, JMeter) that provide feedback on business risks
Packaging – artifact repository, application pre-deployment staging.
Releasing – change management, release approvals, release automation.
Configuring – infrastructure configuration and management, infrastructure as code tools
Monitoring – applications performance monitoring, end-user experience.
- Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC)
- Waterfall Model
- Agile Methodology
- Scrum Model
- Sprint/ Iteration
- What is DevOps?
- Why DevOps?
- DevOps Importance
- DevOps Model
- DevOps Life cycle
- Market Trend and Career Scope for DevOps
- DevOps Tools
- Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC)
- Introduction of Linux Operation System
- Installing Pre-requisite Software’s (SSH Tools and FTP Tools) in Desktop/Laptop.
- Create an account in
- Create an EC2 Instance in
- Linux File/Directory
- Linux
- Introduction
- What is Shell?
- Types of Shells
- What is Shell Scripting?
- First Shell Script program
- File Naming Conventions
- Comments
- Variables
- Command line Arguments
- Escape Characters
- String
- Arithmetic Operations
- User Interaction using read command
- Input and Output Redirection
- Control commands – if
- Control commands – for
- Control commands – while loop
- Control commands – Switch case
- Functions
- Pipe
- Account Creation in GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket
- What is git?
- What is the VCS?
- What is SCM?
- What is Branch?
- What is Tag?
- Git
- Git commands
- Working with git as a Developer perspective
- SSH Key generation
- PAT creation
- Cloning Repositories
- Merging Branches
- Pull Requests
- Cloning Remote Repo
- Forking Repo
- Branching strategy
- README file
- Best practices for Releases/Code commits in any VCS
- Introduction
- Features & Benefits of Maven
- Installation (Maven Environment Setup)
- Directory Structure
- Content of xml
- Maven Repositories
- Maven Life Cycles
- Executing some Examples
- Maven Multi Modules
- Parent pom
- Child pom
- Introduction
- Difference between App server and Web server
- Understating of Web Servers, App Servers and Database Servers
- Installation (In Windows – Extraction, In Linux Installation)
- Directory structure
- Start the Tomcat server
- Stop the server
- Users creation
- Roles
- Port number change
- Application Deployment
- Through Admin Console
- Copy artifact into webapps folder
- Tomcat Tuning
- Data source Creation
- Introduction
- Installation
- Directory Structure
- Start the HTTP server
- Deploy the web static
- Introduction
- Pre-Requisites
- Architecture
- Installation
- Change the Port Number
- Execution
- Administration
- Users Creation (Normal User and Administrator)
- Project Creation
- Project deletion
- Token Generation
- Create Quality Profiles
- Create Quality Gates
- Configure Email settings
- Sonar Cloud
- Introduction
- Installation
- Password and Email change for Admin User
- Email server Configuration
- Port Number Change
- Context root change
- Nexus Directory structure
- Create the Repositories (maven2hosted, maven2proxy, maven2group and .)
- Integrate the Maven with Nexus
- Create Clean up Policies and attach policies to
- Create Users, Roles
- Nexus API
- Introduction
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Continuous Delivery (CD)
- Continuous Deployment (CD)
- Installation
- In Linux Server
- Create the Maven Project using Freestyle Project type
- Integrate Maven software if not
- Integrate Nexus with Jenkins
- Integrate SonarQube with Jenkins
- Deploy the App into Tomcat
- Through “Deploy to container” plugin
- Through Script – SSH Agent Plugin
- Configure Email Functionality
- Poll SCM
- Build Periodically
- Git Web Hooks
- Discard Old Build
- Disable this project
- Delete workspace before build starts
- Add timestamps to the Console Output
- JACOCO plugin
- Jenkins Directory structure
- Create the Maven Project using Maven Project type
- Plugin Management
- Safe Restart
- Next Build Number
- Email Extension
- SonarQube Scanner
- Schedule Build
- Artifactory Plugin
- Cloud Foundry
- Blue Ocean
- Deploy to container
- Deploy WebLogic
- WebSphere Deployer
- Maven Integration
- JaCoCo
- SSH Agent
- Publish Over SSH
- Thin Backup
- Build Name Setter
- Convert To Pipeline
- Role-based Authorization Strategy
- Rebuild last
- Office 365 connector
- External Plugins Installation
- Urban Code Deploy
- Port Number Change
- Build with parameters
- Create View
- Jenkins Security
- Create Users (Default Admin)
- Provide the specific access Jenkins
- Provide the access to specific access to specific projects
- Create the Pipeline Project Jobs (Scripted way and Declarative way)
- Create the Multibranch Pipeline Project Jobs
- CICD Implementation for Node JS Project
- Create Master/Slave
- Jenkins Backup
- Jenkins Migration
- Jenkins Shared Libraries
- Jenkins CLI
- Slack Notifications
- Some more examples on Declarative Pipeline Script
- Optional Topics
- Jenkins Home Directory Change in RHEL 7.5 Version
- Integrate the Urban Code Deploy server with Jenkins
- Deploy the App into IBM Cloud
- Introduction
- Docker Introduction
- Containerization Vs Virtualisation
- Docker Vs Virtual Machine
- Docker Installation
- Dockerfile
- Dcoker Image
- Docker Container
- Docker Adhoc Commands
- Docker Networks
- Docker Volumes
- Docker Keywords
- Dockerfile Creation
- Docker Images creation
- Docker Images save to Dockerhub
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes Introduction
- Architecture
- Kubernetes Cluster (Self-Managed) Setup Using
- Kubernetes Namespace
- Kubernetes Objects
- POD Replication Controller
- Replica Set
- Daemon Set
- Deployment Set
- Rolling Update
- Recreate
- Stateful Set
- Service
- Volumes Persistent
- Volume Persistent Volume Claim
- Dynamic Volumes Config Maps & Secrets
- HPA & Metrics Server
- Kubernetes Cluster Setup in AWS Using KOPS
- EKS Kubernetes Cluster Setup Using Terraform
- Load balancer Service
- Ingress Controller & Resource
- Liveness & Readiness probes
- Kubernetes RBAC
- Kubernetes & Jenkins Integration
- Kubernetes Dashboard Setup
- Helm
- Monitor Kubernetes Using Prometheus And
- Log aggregation Using EFK
- Introduction
- Architecture
- ssh-key generation
- Copy SSH Key
- Ansible adhoc Commands
- Ansible Playbooks
- Execution of Ansible Playbooks
- Ansible Modules
- Roles
- Ansible Vault
- Ansible Galaxy
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Introduction to Amazon EC2
- Launch Our First EC2 Instance – Part 1
- Launch Our First EC2 Instance – Part 2
- How to use Putty (Windows Users Only)
- Security Groups
- Volumes vs Snapshots
- EC2 Instance Meta-data
- EFS Service
- Summary of EC2 Section
- Amazon Machine Instance (AMI)
- Elastic Block Store (ELB)
- What is ELB and its uses
- ELB Policies and it’s benefits
- How to launch ELB with N nodes and other concepts on
- Auto Scaling
- Elastic IP (EIP)
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- VPC Overview
- Building our own custom VPC
- Build A Custom VPC – Part 2
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Access Control Lists (ACLs)
- Custom VPC’s
- Direct Connect and it’s benefits and limitations
- VPC Clean Up
- VPC Summary
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
- S3 Essentials
- Creating a S3 Bucket Using The Console
- S3 Storage Options and Types
- Create a S3 Website
- S3 Version Control
- Cross Region Replication
- S3 Lifecycle Management & Glacier
- Cloud Front Overview
- Create a CDN
- S3 – Security
- Snowball
- S3 Summary
- Elastic Volumes, Instance stores,
- Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
- Identity Access Management (IAM)
- Introduction of IAM
- Users
- Groups
- Roles
- Policies
- Permissions
- Security Measures like MFA
- AWS Elastic IP
Monitoring Tools (New Relic/Grafana, Prometheus)
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Resume Preparation
- DevOps Engineer Roles and Responsibilities
- DevOps Engineer Daily Activities
- Process flow of Scrum Methodologies
- Scrum Meeting
- Sprint Planning
- Retrospective Meeting
- Release Management
- Each Topic Soft Copy Material
- Each Topic Interview Questions
- Mock Interviews – If required **
- Real Time Use Case Scenarios
- Case Studies
- Job Assistance
- All the topics which we mentioned below, we are going to give trainings from basic to advanced level with Hands on Training by DevOps
- For Each Topic Soft copy material and Interview Questions will be
- We will explain all concepts with real time Use Case Scenarios
- Resume Preparation
Job Assistance